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7 Days to Die | BUILD the Best Horde Base Ever!


7 Days to Die | BUILD the Best Horde Base Ever!

What’s the best base design? Here it is! Well, out of mine anyhow! We’re making the best base design for hordes in 7 days to die, which comes complete with the simple fall trap should the zeds break through (unlikely). Each wall is doubled up poles, protected by dual electric fences, dual shotgun turrets, dual […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Zombie Pathfinding – AI


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Zombie Pathfinding – AI

We take a look at zombie pathfinding aspect of the AI in Alpha 17 for 7 Days to Die. How do they pathfind? How do they walk? Climb? Bash blocks? What happens in different settings? In a maze? With ladders? Do they jump and if so how? And what’s up with those 50 pillars after […]

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7 Days to Die Dedicated Server Setup Tutorial – SteamCMD


7 Days to Die Dedicated Server Setup Tutorial – SteamCMD

This is a basic tutorial in how to download, install, setup, start and shutdown a 7 Days To Die Dedicated server on Windows. It utilizes the SteamCMD function as opposed to the Steam Client, making it useful for command line setup, and should work in a similar way even on multiple platforms if SteamCMD is […]

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7 Days to Die – Simple Dedicated Server Setup Guide


7 Days to Die – Simple Dedicated Server Setup Guide

How do you setup a dedicated server in 7 Days to Die? Look no further! Here’s a simple guide for how to get it installed, and configured ready to play! The install is easy through steam UI, and setup and configuration is as simple as editing a text file. Here are the steps: Open steam! […]

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Support on!


Support on!

I’m on Patreon! It’s a site where everyone can help support the channel by pledging small amounts to keep the channel going! In effect it’s a monthly membership, much like YouTube sponsorship, Twitch Subscription and the like. The big difference is that Patreon charges very small fees (total ~10 % including payment processing) whereas Twitch […]

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CapOne’s Billionaire’s Mansion!


CapOne’s Billionaire’s Mansion!

Have a look at CapOne’s fantastic building skills on our War of the Walkers – 7 Days to Die Patreon/Sub-server! What wonders will he attempt next? 🙂 7Days War of the Walkers mod “Billionaire’s Home”

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7 Days to Die Blimp Modlet!


7 Days to Die Blimp Modlet!

With the new Alpha 17 of the game 7 Days to Die, we can utilize so called “modlets” to quickly add functionality in the xml files. Simply create a “/Mods” folder in the main game (or server folder), and unzip the modlet into that directory. The Modlet adds: Blimp Crafting recipe Blimp accessories, Blimp Chassis […]

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