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7DTD A17 Wireless Power Modlet


7DTD A17 Wireless Power Modlet

It’s often that you might build a great place, but struggle to do something about those wires connecting all your electrical items! Generator to lights, to switched, traps, spotlights, motion sensors and what have you. What do you do in 7 Days to Die when you simply want wireless power? Well of course, you turn […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | How To Create & Install Modlets


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | How To Create & Install Modlets

Update 21/Dec-2018: Progression changes in base XML file broke the jokeblimp, so I took the progression out and reposted the version here. The link at the bottom is a working version, just doesn’t require learning any recipes to craft. —- What’s a modlet? And what does it have to do with 7 Days to Die? […]

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7 Days to Die Blimp Modlet!


7 Days to Die Blimp Modlet!

With the new Alpha 17 of the game 7 Days to Die, we can utilize so called “modlets” to quickly add functionality in the xml files. Simply create a “/Mods” folder in the main game (or server folder), and unzip the modlet into that directory. The Modlet adds: Blimp Crafting recipe Blimp accessories, Blimp Chassis […]

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