Hospital Run during Blood Moon Horde!

What is this? For Alpha 16, I ran a Horde Battle series where I would give myself some equipment, chose a POI/spot, and run a horde battle there following some rules.

And I thought, why not expand that to the community? Wouldn’t it be awesome to get everyone, players, content creators, together to run a bunch of scenarios and discuss, tally results, and just have fun? Much better than just watching and not doing right?

With that idea, I put together a system of steps, and a modlet, which allows for equalizing everything and making it easier for people to replicate. The modlet is optional, you could spawn things in one by one on your own, or just do other equipment, it’s just a help to speed it up!

How do you do it? Install a modlet, set up the scenario, and run it through! Watch the video (up top!) for a brief on how to do it, though it’s very simple.

Modlet Instructions:

  1. Download modlet from the link above
  2. Create a /Mods folder in your 7DTD game folder
  3. Unzip the modlet. Make sure it doesn’t have “double” folders when you do this.
  4. Questions? View the video first, I do this step by step! 🙂

In Game Instructions:

  1. Start a NEW Navezgane. Nomad Difficulty. Enable cheats.
  2. When in game, hit “F1” to go into command console and run the following commands. You can often just cut and paste into the game.
  3. dm
  4. giveselfxp 710000
  5. giveself VeduiBox
  6. Look down, pickup the box, place it, punch it, and loot it! Now you have all the armour, weapons, ammo, mods, blocks and so forth.
  7. Don’t forget to modify weapons/armour to add things!
  8. Set all your character perks. Not needed, but very helpful! Take note of what gear you have and perk up accordingly.
  9. Hit “F1” again for the command console.
  10. settime 49 19 50
  11. teleport 1090 608
  12. Go back to command console (f1) and disable debug mode with “DM” to avoid accidentally going into GOD/Fly mode while playing!
  13. Ready set go!

General Rules:

  • Start at 20:00. That gives you 5 minutes to enter, clear, and fortify and get as far as you can!
  • Stay within the POI compound. If you fall out, get back inside. Running outside to fight is much easier due to open spaces, so we try to keep it inside the POI!
  • End time is 4am, or whenever you die!
  • Zombie kills at end time is the final tally! Check your scoreboard in game! Bragging rights for getting through as much as you can of the POI following the “dungeon crawl”.
  • Note: The aim is to have fun and challenge, not to sit perching in a high spot in a corner all safe. You should aim to get to the “end” of the POI Dungeon Crawl which is usually around where the main loot is found!

After the challenge:

  • Come back and share with me in the YouTube video comments! Tell me how you did! How many kills! How far did you come?
  • Give me similar ideas, other POI’s, different equipment, that I can put together!
  • Go Challenge your friends to take the challenge! Are you the best or do they best you?
  • Get your favorite Content Creator on YouTube/Twitch/streamer to take the challenge and have them challenge their viewers!

Enjoy, and happy to get feedback! Come to my discord to chat!

/Vedui 🙂