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Outlaws of the Old West | How To Tame Your First Horse Guide


Outlaws of the Old West | How To Tame Your First Horse Guide

We take a look at the new Survival MMO – Outlaws of the Old West! can be played both Single Player locally, as well as online with friends! I walk through what you need to capture and tame your first horse: 1) Plant fiber for ropes. 2) Spinning wheel to turn rope into a lasso. […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | How To Create & Install Modlets


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | How To Create & Install Modlets

Update 21/Dec-2018: Progression changes in base XML file broke the jokeblimp, so I took the progression out and reposted the version here. The link at the bottom is a working version, just doesn’t require learning any recipes to craft. —- What’s a modlet? And what does it have to do with 7 Days to Die? […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | BUILD Starter Base | Expandable Maze


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | BUILD Starter Base | Expandable Maze

We look at building a Starter Base in Alpha 17 of 7 Days to Die. We do this in a way that makes it an expandable concept, where you can start slow and then add on as you gather more resources and tech up for better blocks. Start with flagstone and cobblestone, upgrade to concrete, […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Guns – Using the Gun Mods


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Guns – Using the Gun Mods

This time we cover all the gun mods, how to attach them to the weapons, and how they look and act! I also cover what attributes they affect, how their properties look in the xml files as covered in item_modifiers.xml file. BarrelExtender MuzzleBrake FlashSuppressor SoundSuppressor (silencer) LaserSight FlashLight ScopeSmall (2x) ScopeMedium (4x) ScopeLarge (8x) ReflexSight […]

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7 Days to Die Electricity Guide | Basic


7 Days to Die Electricity Guide | Basic

Will go through skills needed, how to craft, setup and connect electrical objects. Generator. Wire Tool. Electrical Relay. Light. Electricity Basics perk Generator Bank perk Crafting generator bank Crafting wire tool Crafting electric wire relay Crafting simple light Place and access generator Place and use wire relay & light Put in engine, refuel and startup […]

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7 Days to Die | HowTo install War of the Walkers and 7D2D Mod Launcher


7 Days to Die | HowTo install War of the Walkers and 7D2D Mod Launcher

With my start of the War of the Walkers Mod gameplay, I also wanted to how HowTo install War of the Walkers and 7D2D Mod Launcher for everyone to enjoy as well! It’s quite straight forward, and hope ya’ll enjoy as much as I do. Playing mods definitely extends the 7 Days to Die gameplay […]

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7 Days to Die | HowTo 3rd Person and Detaching Camera!


7 Days to Die | HowTo 3rd Person and Detaching Camera!

This time we cover how to get into 3rd Person view, and detaching the camera. Works great for taking screenshots, but also for making cool videos with a different perspective than the usual first person shooter view! 🔵 F1 to get into console 🔵 Type DM to get debug mode enabled 🔵 Escape and hit […]

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7 Days to Die | HowTo Slow down and speed up TIME!


7 Days to Die | HowTo Slow down and speed up TIME!

This time we cover how to get into 3rd Person view, and detaching the camera. Works great for taking screenshots, but also for making cool videos with a different perspective than the usual first person shooter view! 🔵 F1 to get into console 🔵 Type DM to get debug mode enabled 🔵 Num pad – […]

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7 Days to Die How To Command Console


7 Days to Die How To Command Console

This How To Command Console in the game 7 Days to Die Alpha 16 covers how to access and use the command console. While this might more be useful for server admins, it also is invaluable for anyone who runs into issues with their gameplay, or just wants to try new things in the game. […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gyrocopter First Look – How To Build and Fly!


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gyrocopter First Look – How To Build and Fly!

We’re doing a First Look of the Alpha 17 e version of the Gyrocopter in 7 Days to Die! We cover what level you need to be to unlock the perks, what perks are needed, what materials you need to gather and how to craft the pieces and put it all together! And .. how […]

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