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7 Days to Die | HowTo Slow down and speed up TIME!


7 Days to Die | HowTo Slow down and speed up TIME!

This time we cover how to get into 3rd Person view, and detaching the camera. Works great for taking screenshots, but also for making cool videos with a different perspective than the usual first person shooter view! 🔵 F1 to get into console 🔵 Type DM to get debug mode enabled 🔵 Num pad – […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 RELEASED! (experimental) | Quick Install Guide


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 RELEASED! (experimental) | Quick Install Guide

And Alpha 17 has been released for 7 Days to Die! This is an experimental, unstable build! But watch on for a quick view of how to access and install! It’s very similar to how you install the base game and other versions, but if you’ve never done that it can be a bit tricky […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Zombies Dig! | Zombie AI


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Zombies Dig! | Zombie AI

It’s time to review some Zombie Ai! In this case we take a look at them digging down into the ground to find and kill the player! No longer able to hide underground! They dig fast if they sense the player, but can loose focus… at least if no blood moon horde! We also uncover […]

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7 Days to Die How To Command Console


7 Days to Die How To Command Console

This How To Command Console in the game 7 Days to Die Alpha 16 covers how to access and use the command console. While this might more be useful for server admins, it also is invaluable for anyone who runs into issues with their gameplay, or just wants to try new things in the game. […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gyrocopter First Look – How To Build and Fly!


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gyrocopter First Look – How To Build and Fly!

We’re doing a First Look of the Alpha 17 e version of the Gyrocopter in 7 Days to Die! We cover what level you need to be to unlock the perks, what perks are needed, what materials you need to gather and how to craft the pieces and put it all together! And .. how […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | 4×4 Truck First Look – How To Craft and Drive the jeep!


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | 4×4 Truck First Look – How To Craft and Drive the jeep!

We’re doing a First Look of the Alpha 17 e version of the 4×4 Truck also know as the jeep! What level requirements does it have for perks? How do you craft it? What resources? What is going on?? Driving is fun, but damage to drive over zombies seem too low. Maybe to balance, but […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gun Crafting HowTo!


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Gun Crafting HowTo!

We review how gun crafting works in Alpha 17 e for 7 Days to Die! New in this version is that once you have the required levels, required skills, and of course materials, you can craft your own guns? So how is it done? Watch on to learn! We go through what guns you can […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | Zombie Horde Damage Bonus – Zombie AI


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 | Zombie Horde Damage Bonus – Zombie AI

A new “feature” in Alpha 17 7 Days to Die, is the zombie horde damage bonus addition. In short, when zombies “horde” up (ie, group up), they will each get an incremental damage bonus to their hits. This is definitely an interesting feature, and I take a look at testing this out, how it seems […]

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7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Strength Skill – Melee Skills


7 Days to Die Alpha 17 e | Strength Skill – Melee Skills

We work our way through the Strength Perks as they apply to the melee game! What do they do? How do they affect your character? This is entirely new in Alpha 17 of 7 Days to Die. We cover Strength in general. Wrecking crew and it’s power attack. Sexual tyrannosaurus affecting stamina! Flurry of blows […]

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PixARK Guide | How to Tame and Fly the Pteranodon


PixARK Guide | How to Tame and Fly the Pteranodon

Flying is awesome! And flying in PixARK is no exception! But how do you actually capture, tame and fly in the game? I’ll cover how to do that with the Pteranodon! Get your flint, wood, narcoberries for arrows. Craft your stone, and sleepy arrows. Don’t forget meat, and your bow! Shoot with your sleepy arrow! […]

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