This time we cover all the gun mods, how to attach them to the weapons, and how they look and act! I also cover what attributes they affect, how their properties look in the xml files as covered in item_modifiers.xml file.
- BarrelExtender
- MuzzleBrake
- FlashSuppressor
- SoundSuppressor (silencer)
- LaserSight
- FlashLight
- ScopeSmall (2x)
- ScopeMedium (4x)
- ScopeLarge (8x)
- ReflexSight
- Trigger-Semi
- Trigger-Burst
- Trigger-Full Auto
- Shotgun Duckbill
- Shotgun Choke
- MagazineExtender
- Shotgun Sawedoff
- Ammo-FeelTheHeat
- Ammo-CrippleEm
And I am sure a lot more to come!